Monday, October 5, 2009

Anyone with European job contacts?

Hello Friends!

We're in Uzbekistan! We're here until October 12th, when we fly to Azerbaijan. From there, it's north to Georgia, W to Turkey, and S to Greece!

If you're reading this and have any contacts in Greece, Italy, or France who might be able to help us get employment for this winter (hoping to work for approximately 3 months anytime between November and March), leave us a message and we'll be in touch! We're looking for ANY jobs, focused on hospitality industry (Em's a cook and I've done everything else at some point in my life) -- but we'll take anything, from migrant farm labour to babysitting (ughh).

Will write a longer post soon, and if we ever find a computer that will let us post pictures we'll do that too! WT Jess and Em, signing off!


woodsprite said...

Hey there - I have No contacts - just want to thank Em for the post card and say that we missed seeing you for your birthday!!!

Jayne Kubat said...


i just emailed one of my profs in italy and i'll let you know if anything pans out.