Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Karibu Africa!

Karibu Africa! I don't know what I've been imagining, but this is better than any ideas that I've had of what Africa would be... and I've only been here 4 days. Today we return from the past 3 days in Enderekwai Ranch, a private game reserve owned by a mzungo (white person), Peter Jones. The pictures above are from the ranch- Mt. Meru on one side and Kiliminjaro on the other, and 10000 hectares in between of savannah. We put up our tents and had an amazing camp crew who will be taking care of us on all of our safaris. For those of you who are worried about me not getting enough to eat, think again: We have breakfast at 7, tea and biscuits at 1030, lunch at 1, tea AGAIN at 430, and dinner at 7. So I'm probly gaining weight. We were hiking, learning about the environmental conservation situation in Tanzania, and picking up a tiny bit of kiswahili. Now, we are in Arusha for 2 days and then we begin a homestay about 10 km from here, a quarter of the way up Mt. Meru, in a peri-urban village called Bagata. We will have almost no kiswahili under our belts, yet will be on our own with our familys for that entire weekend until we meet up again on Monday morning. Some of us may have running water and electricity, and some a hole in the ground and gas lamps, and I am very excited. The conversations have been intense so far, the group of kids I'm here with is great, and Baba Jack, our teacher, is one of the coolest people I've ever met. Baba means father, and Jack is his son's name, because as you become a parent in Tanzania it takes over your identity (his name is Reese Matthews). And it's only been 3 days... words don't do this place justice, but neither do the pictures, so check in again in 1 week and I'm sure this whole style will change... Kwa Herini!


John said...

Jess I can tell that your not enjoying your trip at all. What type of animals have you seen so far? And what is it like so far living in the open country? Its looks totally awesome and your one of the luckiest people I know who get to live their dreams so enjoy it totally. Know that we miss you alot. Love dad, robin and your twin sisters

Unknown said...

Wow, that looks awesome! I wish I was out somewhere warm. It's really cold here, and I have a ton of work to do, mainly grading 150 classics midterms. It sounds like you are going to have a fantastic time while you're there. I can't wait to hear all about it, hopefully when we are both in Europe!

Jon said...

Sounds and looks amazing Jess! I can't begin to imagine the energy you're feeling from your surroundings, but looking forward to future posts.

Sue Longsjo said...

Hi Jess,
Your photos and energy make me feel as tough I am with you. Keep up the good work. Keene is preparing for 1 1/2 feet of snow on Wednesday. Africa sound sooooo much better.
Love, Sue

rckstr.abby said...

JESS! It looks like you're having a terrific time. Small world: My best friend in England took his gap year on the otherside of the border in Kenya - all the pictures look amazing.

Seen all of the 'Big 5' yet?

rckstr.abby said...

haha - ok, its not 'Marian' thats just my google. lol Its Abby, just in case u got confused.