Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jess and Em's Worldwide Adventures: ETD 37 days!

Good morning friends and family!

Jess Scott here, writing once again to everyone I know to inform you of a crazy adventure and to humbly request your assistance!

On June 19th, my good friend Emily and I will embark on a year-long world traveling adventure! Beginning in Tokyo, we will backpack our way across Asia, Europe, and Africa, hoping to make it to S. Africa by late next summer. We will be biking, walking, hitchhiking; taking boats, busses, trains, taxis and tractors; seeing monuments, mountains, fountains, and people all across the globe. And all on a very tight, very shoestring budget, of course!

YOU can help make this trip a success! If you know anyone in any country that we might pass through (and there are 60+ of them), and would be comfortable making an introduction on our behalf, we would GREATLY appreciate having as many contacts as possible all across the globe. A contact can be someone who lets us stay a night or two on their floor; who helps us identify the 'hot spots" in their country; who helps us catch the bus to our next destination; who gives us a job for a few days or weeks; or who simply doesn't mind sharing a moment of our journey along the way. If you email me the country where you might have such a contact, I can provide an estimated time-line of our arrival at that location. Thank YOU in advance for your help!

Finally, and certainly not of least importance- we will be blogging across the globe! Bookmark this blog ( for posts from our trip!

I thank each of you for the moments we've shared, the memories we've made, and the conversations we've had along the way. I wish you the most peaceful of summers, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
