Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sleepy thoughts...

My eyelids are drooping, but here we go anyway...

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if people actually respected their environments, and looked at all of the great alternative ways of developing communities and cities and used them (rather than just talking about it)? Right now, we'd all be playing street hockey and socializing outside of the local grocery store, which would be the bottom floor of our apartments and hair dressers. Our doctor would be across the street, right next to the local park and the business complex and the vet and... I really like the idea of revitalizing cities, and bringing suburbia back into walking distance- building entire communities around a center area and not needing to drive hours to work or to shop or to take the kids to school. Let's do it! (But, wait, haven't we been talking about this since the '70's? Ok, I use the term "we" loosely, but why haven't we seen bigger changes?)

I have thought about traveling since my resolve yesterday evening to plan another big trip, and I have new ideas, thanks to Dada Alice in Walla Walla. The first is obviously Walla Walla... followed in close second by the fertile crescent and Lhasa, or Nepal or even India or Thailand.
Asante dada.

I think I shall remind you all out there that I have a blog, and that it has the potential to keep you better posted on my life than I do! For example, I'm participating in Operation Freefall, the Two-Mile High Stand Against Sexual Assault, for the second time this year.... check out my site to learn more, I really need contributions- send the site around your places of business, your friends, families, neighbors, local girl scouts...

Where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego? Perhaps my next set of travels can spark a spin-off.

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