Friday, August 3, 2007


Hello faithful blog readers... I say faithful because it's been so long since I last wrote that only those of you who are true blog junkies will still be checking to see if I update this thing. So, this is for YOU! And I promise to do better, even if it's just a short one every few days.

So, as many of you know, I'm currently spending my hard earned money from my job this summer traveling around Europe with my best friend Marge! Currently, we're in Koln in Germany, and are on our way to Berlin today! We spent the rest of our time so far in France, visiting La Rochelle (a particularly lovely city, definately worth visiting even if you don't miss your original flight to Marseille and it's the only other place in France that RyanAir is flying that night), Paris (hint: the wine they sell in front of the Eiffel tower at night can be bought for less than 5 euros if you bargain), Nice (WEAR SUNSCREEN, especially when exposing parts of your body that have never seen the sun), and Lyon ( if you forget to book a hostel, call ahead and they tell you they have "plenty of space", climb up the mountain in the old city to get to the hostel, are told they have no more space, climb back down to the mountain and make it to the tourism office 10 minutes before it closes, and ask them to find you a place to stay, you'll get a hotel room with its very own shower for only about 10 euros more...totally worth it).

In terms of things we've been doing, pretty much the big things in all the cities! We usually start heading toward one big thing, and then spend the rest of the day wandering around and manage to see everything else in the city... of course we have a map just in case (not that this would EVER happen) I lose my (amazing) sense of direction and we get a (tiny tiny) bit lost in the middle of wherever we are.

So, as to plans for the rest of the travels? As I mentioned, Berlin today, with a stop over in Hanover on the way... then a city in Austria (probably Salzburg on the border but maybe somewhere else), and then to Vienna sometime on the 6th. Marge leaves me on the 7th :(, and I head off to do italy on my own. Heading to Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples (for a few hours, I hear their trash company is on strike and its currently pretty rank, so let me know the one thing you think I should try to see while I'm there), and then for about 3 full days on Sicily. I'm staving with people from that CouchSurfing community online for most of the time, which should be great because its like having different travel buddies and tour guides for each place I'm going, and as I love meeting new people that should be great!

Ok, thats it for now. I'll end with a joke from one of these CouchSurfing folks who I'll be staying with on Sicily:

Q: What's Bush's answer to global warming?
A: Bomb all the hot countries.

Yours truley, Me


Wayward said...

Finally! She's back on the grid folks, we have a signal! Call off the monkeys, I repeat, STAND DOWN!

Glad to hear you're having a blast in Europe, and learning how to write your own Zagat's guide. I can only imagine the pictures, stories and experiences you'll have to share.

I recently attempted to email you from my work address, and I think I either confused a z for an s, or the Dept of Homeland Security considers you a security risk. What can I say? A cute blonde that gets beyond a coast guardsman's guard is a dangerous thing.

Life in Alaska's in Alaska. We had our equivalent to an Alaskan Buoy Tender gathering in Juneau, and we had a blast. I spent more money than I needed to (Fred Meyer superstores are bad for your checkbook), but I spared my liver and overall immune system by avoiding the bars (except the first night) and traveling stripper troop from Portland. I can't say the same for my shipmates though, but what happens underway stays underway.

Enjoy the ride, and stay safe. No hairy men named Guisseppe mentioned or bad experiences with street vendor food so it sounds like you're living it up. My leave is just about approved so I'll definitely be at the Gathering this year. Take care.

Jon said...

Can't wait for pics Jess! You'll have a first-hand account of the best wine-regions of France, best cheeses of Italy... Awesome.

btw - Australia is off; I'm actually moving into Manhattan at the end of August... so maybe YOU can help ME move (jk)...

Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your adventures!!

Sue Longsjo said...

Hi Jess,
It all sounds great. Thanks for the email, too. All of these wonderful experiences will truly set you up for life after college. By the way, definitely is spelled this way and not with an "a". Did you ever meet Elaine? Love, Sue

mom said...

hey jess
getina and alfonso bonanno Caporotonda ,di Catania( or however you spell round table in sicilian I think that was the villages name)

mi scusi senora, Io jessica scott,permisso?
getina will remember if you tell her you were the piccola bambina of Jan in 1985 oh do try if you are in the region of catania or molta???(SP)(has a great outdoor market.I know oh so helpful

"Mum" said...


I know that you guys had a blast-- I hope that you enjoyed the Tour. Wish I could have been there as well, not to cramp your style, but to see the whole show. See you when you get back to the US!!