Monday, August 20, 2007

London Heathrow... worlds away

Two posts in one week?!?! Amazing. So, I'll start with a brief summary of my last few days: Sleep, wake, eat, sleep. Also, ran into two great free festival thingies while wandering aimlessly around London, including one where people belayed (as in, used ropes to scale up and down) a giant poster while dancing, messing around, and wearing various costumes... highly amusing! The other one was an old people's festival, celebrating music and age and the caribbean and stuff like that... I bought some fudge and walked around thinking how cute old people are!

As a little side note: How cool would the job of "destroying luggage" be? As in, when you are in an airport, and that annoying announcement says: " Please do not leave your luggage unattended. For security purposes, any unattended luggage will be removed and destroyed". How do you think they do it? I think, since airports are ultra-mega efficient, they must somehow use all the liquids and sharp objects they confiscate in the destruction process. Perhaps they drown your luggage and then cut it into little bitty pieces with your nail clippers. Just a thought.

So, anyway, I am currently sitting in Heathrow airport (as you may have guessed by the title of this post), sipping some tea and contemplating how best to inform nearly all Bucknellians that I will be particularly intolerant of any mouth flatulance (a disease that runs rampant at Bucknell) this upcoming year. Basically, I have realized through my minor accidental and entirely unplanned contact with The Young American Female In Possesion of Daddy's Credit Card ( aka the YAFPDCC, ie Bucknellians) that this year is going to be an extreme test of my self control... Hmmm, I am off topic again... Right, anyway, I'm heading home today, then back to school tomorrow, then classes the next day, and I keep telling myself that my 4 years at Bucknell have been a good thing but I am not entirely sure of that. I guess it all comes down to that piece of paper that I will get in a year saying "Congrats, you have suffered for long enough that we are prepared to release you, but not before hassling you to give us MORE money for atleast the next 15 years". Its funny that a piece of paper (oh, and $160,000) can get me a better job then, oh, I don't know, common sense? Because I have proven through long hours of research that that is all many YAFPDCC's have going for them, this piece of paper (certainly no common sense).
Anyhow, be back in the good ole USA later today! On another side note, I believe that this website (aka my blog) formally supports Hillary for President, though that may change.

Good BYe, and Thanks For all the Fish!


Sue Longsjo said...

Hello Jess,

Your blog title is so appropriate. The world is the same, but oh how your perspective has changed. What a wonderful semester and summer you have shared with all of us. And after you leave Bucknell, you will change your views again. Keep us all posted. I'll try your phone in a couple of days. Hope your trips back to the states, and back to school went smoothly. Can't wait to talk to you.

Love, Sue

Wayward said...

First off, you haven't lived until you've had Alaskan halibut so don't go thanking Earth before it blows up quite yet, Flipper! I don't mean Alaskan flounder like at Long John Silvers, I mean REAL Alaskan halibut. You can thank me for that one when I can bring you to Alaska to be able to eat it fresh. I don't recommend shipping this stuff, it's THAT good. Dungenous and King crab are also superb up here FYI, so Joe and his hot waitresses can go stuff it. Nothing tops the seafood of the Pacific.

So, the 4-year student of the private institution has realized through life-changing experience how much that degree is merely but a simple piece of refreshing. What it represents is important, but only if it's applied to a practical use beyond a resume. What better way to apply a college education than to travel? I'd recommend proficiency in your Kosho though prior to booking any trips to any countries ending in "stan" or "Korea".

I wish I could say things are so well up here. Morale is low, watchstanding has been reduced to a 1 and 4 day rotation, new supervisors are butting heads with subordinates all around the ship and I am nowhere closer to attending Gathering aside from it being a month and a half away. Times are rough, and I am in need of a vacation, but I am confident that things will work out.

Hillary eh? Well, my only words on that is that I have quote Gladiator: "One of the advantages of being a soldier is that you can look your enemy in the eye." The elections are more interesting than ever, and if Barack or Hillary make it, it's history either way.

Best of luck this last year,